That’s Not My Neighbor

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About: That’s Not My Neighbor

What is That’s Not My Neighbor

Developed by Nacho Sama, That’s Not My Neighbor is a 2D Indie horror game and Simulation game that adds a chilling twist to the job simulator genre. Players take on the role of the Doorman for the Doppelganger Detection Department (DDD), tasked with guarding the front gate of an apartment complex. The primary objective is to protect the building's occupants, known as Neighbors, from cannibalistic Doppelgangers. This game requires players to meticulously examine visitors to ensure they are who they claim to be, blending horror with strategic gameplay.


In That’s Not My Neighbor, players are responsible for ensuring the safety of the apartment's residents. Neighbors, the legal residents of the building, live on one of the three floors and provide accurate information on their documents. These documents can be found in file folders to the right of your security station. The most crucial aspect of the game is distinguishing Neighbors from Doppelgangers.

Visitors approach the security window, and players must scrutinize their appearance and documents. The game offers two ways to organize Neighbors to aid in this evaluation. One organization method remains consistent across all playthroughs, while the other is unique to each 'day' in the game.

A key tool in the game is the Daily Visitors List, which indicates which Neighbors are expected to return to the building on any given day. This list helps players verify the identity of each visitor and detect any Doppelgangers attempting to infiltrate the apartment complex.

Tips for Playing That’s Not My Neighbor

  • Familiarize Yourself with Neighbor Documents: Early in That’s Not My Neighbor, take time to thoroughly review the documents of each Neighbor. Familiarity with these details will help you quickly spot discrepancies when visitors arrive.

  • Use the Daily Visitors List: Refer to the Daily Visitors List frequently. This list is your primary tool for determining which Neighbors are expected and can help you catch Doppelgangers posing as legitimate residents.

  • Examine Physical Traits Carefully: Pay close attention to the physical traits of each visitor. Doppelgangers may have subtle differences in appearance that can give them away.

  • Look for Behavioral Cues: Doppelgangers might exhibit odd behaviors or inconsistencies in their stories. Stay alert to any unusual actions or statements that don't align with the documented information.

  • Organize Your Files Efficiently: Keep your file folders well-organized. A systematic approach to filing documents will save you time and reduce the likelihood of errors when verifying visitors.

  • Stay Calm Under Pressure: That’s Not My Neighbor’s horror elements are designed to create a tense atmosphere. Maintaining your composure will help you think clearly and make accurate decisions.

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